My safe space;
A space where I thought I’m secure in,
Where I’m understood and unconditionally loved;
A space I thought I ruled in and a person I thought was mine as much as I am his.
He was that space;
I confide in him and I thought more of him and less of my own, he was my centre and I, peripheral.
I loved him with all of my heart and never once was I selfish towards him.
The space was null, non- existent.
It was a realm that only exists in a world i created in my head,
I was unaware of what really happened before my eyes, I deluded myself.
Now, I am awake.
Some things are too good;
Too good to be true and you’re the “one thing” that was good,
Only hoping for it and praying that I won’t see things that don’t exist.
I’ll love me more, I’ll be good to myself.
Sorry, dear myself.