Thursday, February 16, 2017

At last, he finally became the first guy…

Yes, it is. At last he became the first person to give her a flower, a ROSE.
Through the months they spent together, one of the gifts she’s been wanting to receive any day was a rose. They had broken up already; their relationship had already withered like leaves shedding in the autumn. They fall off to bring spaces for the new spring.
It was Valentine’s Day and she wanted to spend a few hours with him, so he picked her up and went to his place. Nothing around them have a look that supports their broken relationship because almost everything was the same;in the way he looked at her, in the way he talked, the way he held her and the way she feels when he kissed her. It was all the same, but not in what they talked about, he was saying how much it would hurt when either one of us had a new lover, how it would hurt to see them together even in pictures and she was touched by it, she hid her face being afraid of how terrifying it would be when that day comes, he asked her to look at him and there he was, with a red rose in his hand, “it’s for you” he said, she was blushed because it was her first time to receive a flower of any kind.
The atmosphere was calm and she felt important :D, he called her outside and asked if she wants a pot of flower, “stupid! That’s your mom’s. ”she replied, “or this pot of cactus? Pick one” he continued with a smile in his face. She rejected because she thought that it was impractical to take his mom’s flowers. They went downstairs because she needed to leave, he said “lets have our last kiss”, she thought it was for the day so she gave a light kiss on his lips and he asked “is that it? You really want that to be our last kiss? Come here” he said. He gave her a kiss as though it would last forever, one of the most serene scenes of the day. Then, he gave her a bottle of wine too.
So, he dropped her off with one stop on the road because she wanted to buy him chocolates for being so sweet earlier that day. They reached their destination, he said he would talk to her when he reached home; she gave him a wave of goodbye for that day.

Hours later, she switched on her laptop and went to as she scrolled through the posts, one of those had  her, right when she read the caption “#giftfrommyvalentine” she loaded the picture because she thought it was going to be the picture of the chocolate she bought in a rush, but it was not. He already had a girlfriend! It was a total surprise, she felt down, her heart was not functioning in the way it should, her heart gets emotional instead of pumping blood. She died a little, but she resumed being alive.

She have to tell people on how much cheating a person does, to this girl and the other, but we “girls” sometimes love too much and risk everything for a guy like him!

But she decided to move on, exactly like she told him a few days ago, she told herself,


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