Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be.

10:00 am-
“I miss you so much, I wish that you are home right now. Baby, please make it soon, you know my parents aren’t home and I’ll be home alone all through this week, I wish you were here.”

12:00 pm-
She received a text message,
‘Hey, i'm coming over to see you’
It was from a friend she hardly talk to, a cool, handsome guy with cool physique, captive eyes and a killer smile.
She replied, “ohhh! Yes, come over with a drink, I’d like to save it for later :D”
He said that he will and that he’ll be there by 1 o’clock.

As he said he does came by, they were friends not close ones though, they listened to songs played on loud stereos, she loved the song so much as it said much about her relationship with her boyfriend miles away from her.
They chat and he danced to the music, he was having good moves (as he thinks of himself :D), they were alone in a room, nobody to care. By the time she looks at the clock, hours already passed even before she realized it was dark outside and already time for dinner. She invited him to stay and he did. After few hours of cooking and dining, they get back inside her room.

Having the chit chats over a drink and cigarettes, she was in love with the moment, having drinking herself high and not aware of the do’s and don’t’s anymore, she lay on her bed thinking about galaxies and outer space, how magical but disappointing it is for her to exist. She felt everything around her, a handsome guy singing to melancholic tunes and hands so warm was with her all along, she knew that she was going in a wrong direction but she cared less.

She needs company and someone to make her feel that she exists on this planet with someone noticing her and someone to make her feel comfortable being herself as she had always fantasized about. Elsewhere she feels neglected and unwanted, people makes her feel like a burden and she hates noticing that on their faces and she was drained with emotions.

She opened her dreamy eyes but it was still so dark, as much as it was while she closed her eyes and as dull as it was when her lashes brush through her cheeks. She talks enough sense but she lost her mind. He listened and she was touched inside the cotton pieces she used to cover herself, underneath her skin and the rib of bones where the pounding heart skips a beat.

Within no time it was a start of a new day, she was yet again afraid of being forgotten the coming day the dawn was about to bring. But though it was very unlikely with the way the earth revolves, HE STAYED.. he stayed with her, in her room and in her heart. She started exposing like an open book written in secret codes, she unravels every of her deepest secrets.

He found out that she was twisted and broken; needing mending in every of the cracks where life happened to tore her. He possessed that power by the look in his eyes. He was interesting, he cooks for her, he tucked her to sleep and he provides everything, the essentials and everything else she didn’t knew her life was demanding. He gave her funny names and crack jokes and made her feel accepted with as much brokenness and emptiness she knew she had. He stayed with her and yet she is about to face the new world having him beside her. :D